Our requirements:
Your page must NOT promote anything that is viewed as hateful.
Absolutely no CURSE words in any post related to our products.
Must not infringe on the rights of any other brand.
Must not post in any location that permission is required by the owners or leaseholders, without first obtaining permission.
Must not represent our brand as affiliated in any way to any political party.
PLEASE DO NOT CREATE AN ACCOUNT FOR THIS BRAND. We will only choose accounts that have an established presence online and that have shown they are committed to keeping up their accounts.
We really want our brand (DOWG, Dogs of Winter Garden) to feature spots around Winter Garden, Florida, but if you are not in Winter Garden, or even in Florida, include how you could totally rock this brand in your email!
We retain the right to refuse payment and disassociate our brand from anything we feel may taint in any way our brand(DOWG, Dogs of Winter Garden).
One more thing, if we choose you to become our brand ambassador your dog will no longer be eligible to enter any contests that we may have on our website, Instagram or Facebook. But you will get really cool stuff and get paid for it!
How to apply:
Send us a screenshot of your Instagram home screen. Make sure to include any information that will help us make the right decision. We will email you back if we feel that your pup is a good fit for our brand, along with how much we pay and other important info.

Want your pup to be a DOWG brand ambassador?
Check out our requirements.